IntelliChem Chemical Controller
IntelliChem Water Chemistry Controller Installation and User's Guide
IntelliChem Replacement Parts
Step up to the new IntelliChem controller pool chemical management system. The IntelliChem controller automatically monitors your pH and sanitizing levels and delivers just the right amount of chemicals to keep your pool clearer, safer and ready to enjoy...anytime.
The IntelliChem controller can work solo or in tandem with other Pentair® automation products. A built-in Langelier Saturation Index calculator lets you know when your pool water is in or out of balance.
- Eliminates the time and guesswork that lead to imbalances as bather loads change and airborne contaminants invade your pool.
- Eliminates eye and skin irritation and the odor caused by out-of-balance water conditions.
- Helps protect your pool equipment from corrosion caused when pH swings in and out of balance.
- Minimizes chemical costs by adding chemicals with precision, and only when needed, to eliminate waste. No more manual handling of chlorine and acid.
- Makes sanitizer more effective by eliminating fluctuations in pH level.
- Auto Setup/Configuration wizard makes start-up quick and easy.
- 1-Year in-field service warranty.Terms and conditions apply.