Inverter Heat Pumps for swimming pools are simply amazing. From the moment they are first turned on swimming pool owners are blown away at how quiet our Extreme Inverter Plus heat pumps are. Inverter technology is new to the swimming pool industry in Australia; it has however been used in the air conditioning industry and overseas in the swimming pool industry for many years. The biggest advantage of an inverter heat pump for your pool is that it is quiet and it will save you money when compared to a normal heat pump which means you no longer have to worry about how much it will cost to heat the pool.
On an average pool, an Extreme Inverter Plus can save you as much as 50-70% in running costs when compared to a standard heat pump.
Inverter Heat Pump Technology
Heating a pool electrically doesn’t have to be expensive; using a swimming pool heat pump with an inverter means the heat pump can ramp up and down in capacity as the pool requires more or less temperature. Standard heat pumps run a single speed which means they run and draw power at constant maximum capacity.Not reducing load when they are close to the desired target temp or maintaining pool temperatures means your standard heat pump could be wasting energy. Our Extreme Heat Pumps have a smart controller and a variable compressor which means when the pool is nearly to the desired temperature the heat pump starts to ramp down and not draw as much electricity which of course saves you money.